16.2 C
New York
Friday, May 3, 2024
Page 25
A Larger View of Theocracy
I keep reading about how bad it is to be a “theocrat,” so every chance I get I try to own up to the fact that I am one of them. I am a theocrat. I know I am taking a bit of a risk in owning up to that label. “Theocrat” functions these days […]
Discussing Evolution with Care
The other day I was interviewed by some folks from Danish television, for a special they are doing on debates about religion in public life in America. They asked good questions, although I was not quite prepared to be quizzed as much as I was about creation and evolution. Not that I have no thoughts about...
When the well-known Christian ethicist James Gustafson gave the 1981 Ryerson Lectures at the University of Chicago, he chose as his title, “Say Something Theological.” He took the title from a conversation he had at a cocktail party with a chemistry professor who, when he heard that Gustafson was a theology professor, challenged him to “say...
Tears at the Car Wash
I think there have been only two times that I have spent more than a minute watching Jerry Springer. One occasion was at a car wash and the other at a place where I took my car for an oil change. In each case it was pretty much unavoidable–I had to spend 20 minutes or so in...
God and the Super Bowl
Nine years ago I made it into the big time. I got quoted in Sports Illustrated. In January 1998 that magazine did a cover story on the question of whether God cares who wins the Super Bowl. Several of us in the theological world were interviewed, but at a key point I was pitted against the Packers’...
Jack Bauer Is Back
During the past week or so I have been thinking a lot about torture. My thoughts have been occasioned by two factors. One is that I have been preparing a keynote address on the topic for a conference on “saying no to torture,” sponsored by a Presbyterian group. The other is that Jack Bauer is back. ...
Saddam’s Execution: Is It Justified
I saw the news channels’ tape of Saddam Hussein’s execution, and I have to confess that I also sought out the grainy clandestine online version, with the shuffling and shouting. Brian McLaren’s comment captures my response exactly. It is hard not to “feel dirty” about witnessing the spectacle. But I must also confess that I have...
Economic Decisions
There is an interesting piece posted today on the Acton Institute Website: “Self Interest, Rightly Understood,” by Samuel Gregg (http://www.acton.org/ppolicy/comment/article.php?article=360) The following is one of Gregg’s central contentions: “As individuals pursue profit, they unintentionally add to the sum total of the wealth in society, unintentionally allow people from different nations to come to know each...
National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for Peace in the Middle East
I try to keep my signing of “public” letters to a minimum, but this group’s efforts are very worthy: National Interreligious Leadership Initiative for Peace in the Middle East December 12, 2006 The Honorable Dr. Condoleezza Rice Secretary of State U.S. Department of State ...
Jesus and Santa Claus
My last column for the Dutch newspaper Reformatorisch Dagblad (”Reformed Daily”) is now posted online, at http://www.refdag.nl. I have been writing monthly columns for their weekend English-language page for a year and a half, but I decided it was time to take on something new. I have limited time for these regular journalistic assignments, and I have...
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