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Saturday, February 8, 2025
Mouw’s Musings - The President’s Blog

Mouw’s Musings - The President’s Blog

Richard J. Mouw has a personal blog. Richard J. Mouw has served as president of Fuller Theological Seminary since 1993, after having served the seminary for four years as provost and senior vice president. A philosopher, scholar, and author, Mouw joined the faculty of Fuller Theological Seminary as professor of Christian philosophy and ethics in 1985. Before coming to Fuller he served for 17 years as professor of philosophy at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He has also served as a visiting professor at the Free University in Amsterdam.
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Death as the Defeated Enemy

Death as the Defeated Enemy

In my last blog I discussed cremation. I’ll stick with death-related thoughts for another time around. In a presentation I gave to an Oxford philosophy symposium recently, I talked about possible links between philosophical and theological discussions of the metaphysical composition of the human person. I gave some attention particularly to an excellent essay—it has […]
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Halloween: Gargoyles and Pumpkins

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Ice Cream After Funerals

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“Sin-Eating”–Some Jason Bourne Thoughts

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